Patient Rights
Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
As a patient receiving therapy, you have the right within the limits of the law, to:
- Receive considerate, respectful, compassionate care regardless of your age, gender, race, national origin, religion, gender preference, or disability.
- Receive care in a safe environment free from all forms of abuse, neglect, or harassment.
- Have your property treated with dignity and respect.
- Be informed of your treatment plan and participate in the development and implementation of your plan of care. Receive a clear explanation of evaluation results; to be informed of potential or lack of potential for improvement.
- Be fully informed of the care and treatment that will be provided by us, the cost of care, and how payment will be handled.
- Be provided with services in a timely and competent manner, which includes referral to other appropriate professionals when necessary.
- Be told the name of your health care provider and the professional qualifications of the person providing services.
- Expect full consideration of your privacy and confidentiality in care discussions, evaluations, and treatments.
- Expect that all communications and records about your care are confidential, unless disclosure is allowed by law.
- Request a copy of and/or review your clinical records, receive an explanation of record entries, and request correction of inaccurate records.
- Be told in a timely manner of your discharge and be involved in your discharge plan.
- Request or refuse treatment, and receive information regarding the consequences of refusing treatment.
- Change health care providers if dissatisfied with your care.
- Voice your concerns about the care you receive. If you have a problem or complaint, you may call our eastside office at (915) 855-0601 or our far eastside office at (915) 303-5177. If your complaint or concern is not addressed to your satisfaction, you may contact:
Speech Therapy
Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation
P.O. Box 12157
Austin, Texas 78711
(800) 803-9202
Occupational Therapy
Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners
1801 Congress Ave Ste 10.900
Austin, TX 78701
Physical Therapy
Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
1801 Congress Ave Ste 10.900
Austin, TX 78701
As a Patient, You Have the Responsibility To:
- Provide complete and accurate medical, health, and insurance carrier information.
- Remain under the care of your physician while receiving our services.
- Keep your appointments or call our eastside office at (915) 855-0601 or our far eastside office at (915) 303-5177.
- Accept the responsibility for any refusal of treatment.
- Ask questions when you do not understand information or instructions.
- Treat New Beginnings staff with courtesy and respect.
- Contact the New Beginnings office in the event of change of address, phone, or insurance information.

Your Child’s Future Starts Here.


Changing Lives is Our Mission
Offering children a New Beginning and a brighter future.