Frequently Asked Questions
What insurances do you accept?
We accept Medicaid: Superior, El Paso Health, Traditional Medicaid, Molina Healthcare, Wellpoint, and CHIP.
We accept Private Insurance: Tricare, Preferred Administrators (UMC), Texicare, and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Please note that CoPays and Co-insurance payments are due at the time of service.
We accept Private Pay: If you have none of the above accepted insurances, we also offer a Self Pay option. We have different payment plans for 30 or 60 minute sessions. Please note that payment for services is due at the time of service.
We accept the following forms of payment: Cash, Check, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, CashApp, and Bitcoin.
What services do you offer?
We offer Speech Therapy (ST) , Feeding Therapy, Occupational Therapy (OT), Orofacial Therapy, Communication Therapy for Children with Hearing Loss, and Lip and Tongue Ties (pre and post surgery).
We currently do not offer Physical Therapy (PT).
How can I make an appointment? What do I need to get started?
In order for New Beginnings to see your child, we would need to receive a referral from your child’s pediatrician. The only exception to this is if you are planning to pay for your child’s therapy out of pocket. In that case, we do not need a referral to do the initial evaluation or treatment.
If you already have a referral, please contact the New Beginnings location closest to you and let the front office know that you already have a referral. They will instruct you regarding next steps.
If your child’s pediatrician gave you a referral to another service provider and you would like your child seen at New Beginnings, then you would need to contact the pediatrician’s office and have them change the name of the service provider listed on your child’s referral. PLEASE NOTE: It is your right to choose your child’s service provider. Tell your child’s pediatrician that you want to be referred to New Beginnings for services.
My doctor didn't refer my child to New Beginnings. What can I do?
Let’s face it, pediatricians are very busy in their practice. They don’t often have the time (like a concerned parent does) to research outside services to find the best options for your child.
On top of that, many larger, non-local therapy providers with large marketing budgets fight among themselves to get referrals from local doctors.
New Beginnings is a locally owned company with a small number of “hand picked” therapists whose mission is to make a difference in our community and in the life of your child. We are not driven by corporate objectives, but by our desire to impact those with whom we work.
Your insurance gives YOU the right to choose the provider for your child. If you feel New Beginnings is your child’s best hope for a brighter future, it is your right to request that your doctor refer him/her to your preferred provider for therapy.
If you have any questions or are not sure how to request that your doctor refer your child to us, please contact us.
Do you have after school availability?
Our therapists see patients from 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday and by appointment only on Saturday. We offer flexible hours to meet our patient’s schedules. Your child’s therapist will work with you to find a schedule that fits.
After school visits are often limited due to an overwhelming number of school aged patients. We may have slots available but for these, it is best to contact our office directly. There may be very specific days and times available and we ask for your flexibility if you would like services at New Beginnings.
When there are no slots available, we may put your child on a waiting list that might take up to one month (or a bit more) before we can start therapy.
There is usually open availability for morning slots for pre-school aged children.
Do you see adults?
We provide evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of a variety of speech and language, feeding, and occupational disorders in children from 0-20 years old.
We do not see adults 21 years and older.
What is family intervention? Can I sit in during my child's therapy?
Yes you can participate in your child’s therapy! Very few providers allow a parent to sit in during therapy sessions. At New Beginnings we encourage it!
We believe that a child’s best hope for overcoming their developmental challenges begins with a dedicated therapist and continues at home through family intervention.
We want parents to understand the short and long term goals we set for their child and we also want them to practice with their child between therapy sessions. As a parent, you play an important role in your child’s success!
What is the process to begin services? How long until my son/daughter can be seen?
Getting your child started in therapy is a process. Each insurance has different requirements in order to get approval for our therapies.
Here is a brief general guide as to what to expect:
1.) The first step of the process is to get a referral from your child’s pediatrician. We typically get this directly from the doctor’s office via fax.
If you have the referral in your hands, please contact our office directly. Also, please make sure the provider’s name on the referral is New Beginnings. If it is not made out to New Beginnings, then you will need to contact the doctor’s office to have them change it. We cannot move forward unless the referral is made out to us.
One important difference is for Private Pay / Self Pay patients…If you intend to pay for your child’s therapy out-of-pocket, then a referral is not necessary.
2.) Once we receive the referral, we assign an evaluating therapist. This therapist will be the person that will contact you directly within 48 hours of receiving your child as a patient. Please note that our therapists are very busy. Your patience will go a long way in making the process go smoothly.
3.) The evaluating therapist will attempt to schedule your child for an initial evaluation within one to two weeks of initial contact. You will work with the therapist to find a time and day that is available for both of you. The therapist will fit your child in around his/her existing caseload.
4.) Prior to the initial evaluation, our front office will be working with you to gather demographic information and have you fill out all our intake documents. We know this is a pain and we try to make this process as easy as possible by handling most of this electronically via text messaging and electronic signatures.
5.) On the day of the evaluation, please arrive a bit early to take care of any pending intake forms and to provide us with copies of your identification and insurance cards. You will be in communication with your therapists via text messaging or our mobile app.
The therapist will perform a thorough evaluation of your child and will go over the results with you at the end of the evaluation. He/she may also give you resources to understand your child’s condition.
6.) If your child qualifies for therapy, the evaluation therapist will explain your child’s condition and recommendations for ongoing therapy. Depending on your insurance, there could be a bit of a delay between the evaluation and the start of therapy.
If you are Self Pay or Tricare, your child could probably start therapy within a week (assuming you can work out a time with our busy therapist that is assigned to your child’s care).
If you are Medicaid or other Private insurance, our front office will have to perform several steps prior to your child beginning therapy. We will have to send your child’s evaluation and Plan of Care to your child’s pediatrician (and wait for them to sign and return it to us).
We will then have to send all the signed documents to your insurance in order to get authorization to proceed with ongoing therapy. This process may take two weeks to a month before we get authorization to proceed. We have no control over this wait period.
7.) Once we receive the authorization from your insurance, then we assign a treating therapist. This therapist may be different from the evaluating therapist. Once received, the treating therapist will contact you to schedule ongoing therapy. Our therapists are very busy and only have specific time/day slots available.
We ask for flexibility on your part in order to get your child started in therapy. PLEASE NOTE: After school slots are only available for school age children. Younger children will be required to take earlier slots due to our limited after school availability.
8.) Consistent attendance is required. We are here to help your child overcome their challenges. We work very hard and get great results, but the success of your child ultimately depends on your dedication to bringing your child to therapy and on performing any “homework” your therapist might give between sessions.
If your child has low attendance in therapy then they will not progress…usually they will regress. We expect 90% attendance because that is what your child needs to improve. If you miss, your therapist will ask you to do make-ups.
Low attendance will result in the therapist and/or front office trying to intervene. If those efforts are unsuccessful, then your child will be discharged. We typically have a waiting list for patients who really want their child seen by our amazing therapists.
If it is evident that your child’s therapy is not a priority, then we will open up that slot for someone who has been waiting. Without this sounding too harsh, we know that we have limited availability with our therapists and it is our mission to help as many El Paso children as possible.
So please take therapy seriously. We are here for your child and want to change your child’s life by offering him/her a New Beginning…but we can’t do that without you, your therapist, and the entire family working together.
Do you do therapy at home? Do you do home health?
We’re sorry, we no longer offer visits in homes or daycares. All therapy will be in the office or in some cases via Telehealth on Zoom. Telehealth only applies if your child is a good candidate and requires your assistance remotely.
Do you have a clinic on the westside?
I am sorry, we have two clinics on El Paso’s east and far eastside. Our eastside office is at 1512 N Zaragoza Ste C1, El Paso, Texas 79936 and our far eastside office is at 3551 Rich Beem Blvd. Ste B, El Paso, Texas 79938. Please contact whichever office is most convenient for you.
Where are you located?
Here is our contact information:
Eastside Office:
1512 N Zaragoza Rd Ste C1
El Paso, Texas 79936
Phone: (915) 855-0601
Fax: (915) 855-0751
Email: contact@newbeginnings-elp.com
Far Eastside Office:
3551 Rich Beem Blvd Ste B
El Paso, Texas 79938
Phone: (915) 303-5177
Fax: (915) 303-5381
Email: contact@newbeginnings-elp.com
How do I get started? How do I make an appointment?
We are honored that you have chosen us as your child’s therapy provider!
Here are some important first steps in order to have your child be seen by one of our amazing therapists. Please be patient…it’s a process!
1.) Unless you will be paying out of pocket, we will need a referral from your child’s pediatrician. When you visit the doctor, please tell him/her specifically that you want you child referred to New Beginnings. Usually, the doctor’s office will fax the referral over to us, but if you have the referral in your possession, please contact our office directly.
Please Note: It is important that the referral have New Beginnings as the provider name. If it doesn’t, please contact the doctor’s office to have them change it. Otherwise, it will just delay that start of testing and therapy.
2.) Once we receive the referral, we will contact you to gather some information and to confirm that you are seeking therapy with us. We will send you all of intake documents via text messaging or via our mobile app. We know it’s a pain to get started at any medical office, so we try to make things as easy as possible.
3.) When all intake documents are complete and insurance is verified, you will be assigned an evaluating therapist. This therapist will contact you directly via phone or text in order to set up the date and time of the initial evaluation. All patients require an initial evaluation even if they are already in therapy elsewhere.
4.) On the date of the initial evaluation, please arrive a bit early and make sure to bring your driver’s license and insurance card so the front office can make a copy. Your child’s evaluating therapist will be in communication with you and will perform formal testing to identify your child’s condition.
At the end of the evaluation, the evaluating therapist will explain the results and let you know if your child qualifies for therapy.
5.) If your child qualifies, we have a lot of paperwork to do with your child’s doctor and with your insurance. There are quite a bit of documents and signatures and approvals that need to take place in the background. This process can take from 1 to 4 weeks, depending on your insurance. We ask for your patience during this process because there is nothing New Beginnings can do to expedite this process.
6.) Once we receive authorization for therapy from your insurance, you will be assigned a treating therapist and he/she will contact you directly to begin to schedule ongoing therapy. Contact will typically be made via text messaging or via our mobile app.
That’s it! Your child is now being seen by one of our amazing therapists. If you ever have any questions throughout the process, don’t hesitate to ask the therapist or our front office. Everyone is happy to help in any way. We look forward to helping your child achieve their goals!

Your Child’s Future Starts Here.


Changing Lives is Our Mission
Offering children a New Beginning and a brighter future.